Friday 15 January 2016

HS - 09/01/16 - Film shoot refelction

When and where was the shoot?

Date: 9th January 2016
Location: Southborough common.

What scenes were you focusing on?

We focused on the running/chase scenes using the track and the scenes featuring the girl as this date was a convenient time for her to film.

What was your individual contribution to the shoot?

I was the leading camera operator, and was responsible for operating the camera and tripod in the majority of the shots we filmed. I also helped to direct some of the shots and set up the track and other equipment.

To what extent did your storyboard affect your use of camera and framing?

We brought the storyboards with us on the shoot to allow us to frame and set-up our shots accurately. So they significantly affected our use of framing and camera.

What do you think worked particularly well? (+ visual evidence)

 I believe our tracking shots worked particularly well, especially the shots featuring the little girl. They are very effective at creating tension and they fit well into our narrative and vary the types of shots used.

What were the challenges of this particular shoot? (+visual evidence)

The shoot was very muddy as we filmed after a period of rainy weather. This made is very slippery and put us and the equipment at risk of being damaged.

How will you use this experience to inform your next shoot?

We will make sure we only film in suitable conditions to make our shoot easier and let us focus on creating better shots instead of having to combat with the conditions.

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