Monday 18 January 2016

DC: Shoot Reflection

Date: 16/01/16
Location: Southborough Common

On this shoot we focused on the final scenes of the short as one of the cast members wasn't available. The final scenes only need one cast member who was present so we were able to film those scenes. We also filmed several establishing shots that can be used in the short to reveal the location to the audience.

My individual contribution in the shoot was to act as the main protagonist and once again set up some of the shots that we had previously planned on our storyboards.

Once again we used the shot framing from our storyboard (Close up, long shot etc.) however, due to changes since we storyboarded we did deviate away from the storyboards during a few of the shots filmed due to unavoidable changes in the location since we drew up the storyboards.

I believe that the shots we filmed were all of a very high quality and the framing in our shots was particularly good (using the location itself to frame shots proved very effective, e.g, trees and bushes at the location)

The challenges of the shoot included the fact that several people were walking through the area at the time of filming. Something that disrupted the theme of isolation. This meant that filming took slightly longer than necessary as we had to keep stopping to allow people to walk through the location.

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