Tuesday 19 January 2016

Group: Titles

Purpose of titles:
  • As we were having three parallel lines of action, we decided a good way to cut between them would be using the titles.
  • In order to do this our titles would need to be on their own frame - i.e. not integrated into shots
  • A black background would be best suited for our intro, as any light colours would not carry the mood from one scene to another, due to the dark colour scheme we are using
  • Using the titles as a form of connecting the scenes also avoids the change in lighting in the lines of action being noticeably different, which would lose atmospheric value

Order of titles:
Lead actor
Secondary actor
Director of Photography
Titles Designer
Film Title

Positioning of text on the frames:

We watched multiple openings, and for a wider range of ideas, wed did not limit the genre of film to horror, as we were only looking at the titles. We also looked at images of opening titles.

Before we watched any openings, we already knew that we had to decide between animated titles and still titles.
Although animated titles added to the atmosphere and tension by techniques conveying iconography such as blood splatters, due to our intended purpose of the titles we needed still titles.

Although we had decided that our titles wouldn't be animated, we had to decide whether or not we had pictures with the titles

Some films had pictures that were iconic of the genre, and some had stills taken from the film. We agreed that pictures would ruin the bland look we were going for with our titles.

We found that small text used with big text was effective, as emphasis was created on the larger text, and preserved atmosphere

The next thing we noticed was the colour of the titles.
We found that a black background with white titles was the most common, and most effective for an opening.
Certain openings had this format, but with one word or phrase in a different colour (also light to stand out from the background)
This was a good technique, as it (literally) highlighted points of desired attention.
However, we found that keeping al of the text one colour was better as we wanted the titles to be bland.

Most films had large, centred titles.
We did not want the titles to take up the whole frame, however, we did want to use the small and large title technique.
Titles that take up the whole frame can easily take away an audience's focus.
A good technique we saw was having the titles off-centre.

We have decided that our titles will be:
  • Off centre (To the left)
  • White with a black background
  • A plain yet iconic font
  • Simple
  • Subtle

Here is a rough design of what we want our titles to look like (font sourced from MyFonts.com, everything else is original)

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