Friday 15 January 2016

EC: Reflection on shoot

My Role:
  • I brought a camera and took pictures for the risk assessment
  • I came up with shot ideas and helped set up the framing for them
  • I was in some scenes as a secondary actor
What went well:
  • Most of our shots came out looking exactly how we wanted
  • The location supplied a good variety of terrain and background
  • We had picked a good time of day for lighting, as it was the darkness we wanted and had planned

What didn't go well:
  • The lighting changed quickly throughout our filming, and so we had to colour grade some shots in editing for them to match up with the others
  • Although the time of day was good in the sense that the lighting was perfect, there was little daylight hours and so we didn't complete all of our shots

What to do next time:
  • Go to the location in the morning and plan in extreme detail each shot, so we can film quickly and efficiently later in the day when time is limited

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