Wednesday 16 December 2015

Task 16: Group - Pitch

Our pitch presentation (Prezi):


  • Good concept
  • Easy to produce
  • The foreshadowing of events was a nice feature
  • The found footage style was a good idea
  • Camera, editing and sound had been considered to a good extent
  • A few select shot ideas were good
  • The dress was iconic
  • Childish actions were iconic also
  • The conventions and iconography were clear
  • The accessibility of the location is a good aspect
  • The trees can be used to look sinister
  • The friends are filming because the woods are rumoured to be haunted, and they want to show everyone that they were in there, and if they saw anything they would have proof
  • The friends go off trail to take a shortcut, as they are walking to a party
  • The handi-cam is only used for the shots of the two friends, and only when the frame is in the point of view of their camera (the same style as found footage)
  • The plot will be made believable through dialogue clarifications
  • We will go to the location (a recce has already been performed) and film some shots at different times of day - with different light levels - and pick what time we think is the best to film at
  • If we decide to shoot at night, then some night vision shots will most likely be used
  • The killing of the two friends will be in a ritualistic manner

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