Monday 14 December 2015

EC: Technical Analysis: Psycho (Kubrick, 1980)

Duration of Shot
Camera distance, angle, and movement/editing
Mid shot showing upper body. Tracking shot.
Character centred in frame. Limped walk. Holding axe. Extreme facial expressions.
Non-diegetic harsh sounds. Builds tension. Crescendo
The character is a psychopathic murderer, and a significant event is about to occur.
Static shot
Female character centred in frame. She fails to climb out of a window
Soundtrack continues
Female character is in danger
Young boy is shown safely outside the house. Facial expressions show fear
Soundtrack continues
The boy feels that he is in danger, and is worried for someone’s safety
Walking shot from behind
Character shows no expression. Still holding the axe
Soundtrack continues
Dialogue: “Come out, come out wherever you are”
Character is on a psychotic rampage
Mid-shot. Static, from behind
Camera inside. Woman still trying to escape. Frantic and fearful body language
Soundtrack continues
The woman is now panicking, and fearful for her life
Camera is positioned outside. Shows window from a low shot
Woman is trying to escape through the window
Soundtrack continues
Woman’s breathing is selected in sound mix
The woman is under extreme pressure, and is willing to take extreme measures to escape
Medium close up
Psychopathic character side on to door.
Aggressive facial expressions
Soundtrack is faded to selectively highlight the character trying to open the door
The psychopath is getting excited as he gets closer to the woman
Medium close up. Upper body of female character
Woman has stopped trying to escape through the window
Soundtrack continues
Dialogue: “I can’t get out”
The woman is desperate for any help as she is out of options
Long shot
Child leaves mother and runs out of shot
Soundtrack continues
Dialogue: “Run! Quick!”
Dangerous situation
Medium close up
Male character centred. Facial expressions shown. Creepy smile
Soundtrack continues
Dialogue: “Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in”
Psychopathic dark humour is employed to show the character’s mental instability
Tracking shot
Female character shown to be panicking. She finds a knife and holds it tightly
Soundtrack continues
Sound mix highlights knife being picked up
The female character is now choosing to stop hopelessly trying to escape and call for help, and is now ready to resist
Repeated medium close up of male character’s face
Disturbing facial expressions as before
Soundtrack continues
Dialogue: “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin… Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff”
Psychopathic dark humour extended as the fairy-tale reference is repeated
Mid-shot from behind
Male psychopath starts to swing the axe into the bathroom door
Soundtrack continues
Dialogue: “And I’ll blow your house in!”
Dark humour continued themed around destroying the house, which he is doing
Mid-shot side on
The axe is shown hitting the door, causing it to crack
Soundtrack continues
Sound of axe hitting the door is highlighted in sound mix
The psychopath is closing in on the female target
Mid-shot. Static frame
Woman’s facial expressions show fear and desperation
Soundtrack continues
Sound of axe hitting the door is highlighted in sound mix
The woman screams
The woman is fearing her life, and is desperate for any way to stop it
Hole in the door is centred in frame
Male character is shown to be aggressive and showing emotion - anger
Soundtrack continues
Sound of axe hitting the door is highlighted in sound mix
The psychopath is now angry that he has not reached his victim yet
Repeated mid-shot of male character swinging the axe at the bathroom door
The hole in the door has been enlarged. He is still winging the axe at the door
Soundtrack continues
Sound of axe hitting the door is highlighted in sound mix
The woman is screaming and begging
The woman has lost all hope and is now completely out of options and ideas. She is no longer spirited.

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