Saturday 12 December 2015

Group: Treatment

A girl is standing at the edge of a clearing in a dense woods at early morning. A mist hangs in the air and the floor of the clearing is coated in a thick layer of mud, wet after a night of hard rainfall. The girl s barefoot and in a flower print, dress, despite the cold weather and rough terrain. A shot of a newspaper flashes on the screen panning across the headline from the end to the beginning. The headline is titled: "Another victim to the woods" and 'One body recovered, Child of 16 still missing.' The girl calmly and slowly walks into the clearing, their exposed feet sinking into the mud with every step, a tendril of dirt slithering up her leg before stopping at the top of her calf.
 The scene cuts to a clip of two teenagers filming themselves with a video camera as the sun is setting. They are both wearing casual clothing typical of teenagers. They walk through the woods, cracking jokes and occasionally trying to scare each other by ducking into the various bushes and trees before jumping out a few moments later, it is implied that they are taking a shortcut through the woods to get to a party however they have become lost, one of them continues to insist that they know where their going, while the other becomes increasingly worried.

It continues to cut back to the girl walking through the clearing in the middle of the wood, she has now made progress and is walking in the middle of the clearing, very isolated due to the distance from the middle of the clearing and the tree-line around it. It tracks her for a few seconds before cutting back to the pair of teens, it is now night time in the woods, indicating that time has passed since the last shot. One of the pair is becoming increasingly worried and the teen filming  is trying to console him, telling him that he recognises the location, before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a torch. A breeze sweeps through the woods, bitter cold due to the winter.  Over time the teen gets more and more frantic, insisting that he is hearing noises and telling the other that they should try to retrace their steps however the teen filming dismisses this, saying that they have already come to far.

The scene cuts back to the girl  for a few seconds before cutting back to the duo. A stifled shout is heard and the teen filming quickly turns to the right, however his friend is no longer there. The teen filming, suspecting a joke calls to his friends uneasily. A loud noise is heard causing the teen to break out into a run through the woods, leaping over bushes and running through bushes and plants as he goes before cutting back to the girl in the clearing, the calm figure in the clearing act as a juxtaposition against the teen running. The cutting rate increases rapidly between the teen running, the woods illuminated by his torch, and the girl walking. A loud noise is heard as the teen is collapses and the camera falls to the ground, still recording.

Near the end of the clearing, two bodies lie side by side, holding hands. The girl approaches them and stops, standing and looking down at them for a few moments, before turning away, walking off into the woods.

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