Monday 14 December 2015

HS - Production Log - Wilderness Woods

My role in the group:
-While filming, my main role in the group was to operate the camera. I filmed the majority of the clips and also helped to direct some.
- I believe I helped to choose some of the main locations we used.
-During post-production, all members of the group participated in the editing, my main role was to upload and format all of the video clips, however I also helped to cut and edit some of the shots. (e.g. the soundtrack)

What did i learn:
-I learnt to use some filming equipment I hadn't used before, for example the track.
-I learnt how to edit footage more effectively, and improved my editing skills on Premiere
- I learnt how filming for a whole day can only leave you with only a little bit of footage, so it is always better to film more and delete footage that isn't good enough later on.

What i was pleased with:
- The close-up shot we have of the bullets came out very nicely, as well as a few other shots.
- We constructed a fairly effective and convincing narrative.

Challenges we overcame:
- We had to compete with other groups for locations, but we managed to do this with effective time management.
- The weather and conditions weren't the best, as it rained a few times when we were in the woods, however we used the trees as cover and a raincoat to prevent the camera from getting wet.

What didn't work so well:
-Some of out shots are very shaky, this made the film look less professional.
- The wind noise in some of our shots is very bad.
- Some of the shots seem very rushed and needed to be re-shot but we did not have time.

How has this influenced our production:
-The location of woodland was very effective in the short, therefore we have considered filming out final piece inside of a similar setting
-We may re-create some of the more effective aspects of some of the shots in our short, for example, using the macro lens for extreme close-ups.

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